Saturday, September 12, 2009

Daytime Crescent Moon

After seeing my friend Bob of Blackholes and Astrostuff post photos of a daytime crescent Moon, I got thinking, I don't think I've really photographed a daytime Moon through my telescope. So, I thought I'd give it a try. I've got to tell you, it's not as easy as it would seem. It is harder to find the Moon when it's not shining at 3 million candle power in a telescope eyepiece. Also, it's much harder to focus on the Moon during the day, especially when it's kind of faint. Below are my first photos taken through my Orion 4.5" telescope. They are all taken with a Nikon D90, some with a 2x barlow and the last two with 3x barlow.


  1. Astro-nuts, moon during day is really cool to view. I often look through my lens [and take photos too], just to enjoy it. Looks like this week is the moon week, I got some on my blog too, just the night shot. Hope all is well otherwise. Anna :)

  2. Thanks Anna. I like seeing the Moon at anytime of the day or night. I think it's kind of majestic. The New Moon phase starts on Friday, so I am trying to get some photos before it disappears for a little while. I'll be sure to stop by your blog and check out your photos. Take care.

  3. Stunning moons shots, very inspiring. I'm really going to have to give the moon another try. Great details and exposure.

  4. Thanks John. I am by no means a pro, but I just keep snapping away until I get the settings right. Just keep practicing. I'm confident you'll get it. Take care.

  5. Hey Astro-Nuts just stopping by for more moon photos. The other day I saw nice thin crescent, but it was too cloudy to get good results. Looks we are up for some rain this week. Hope all is well. Anna :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by again. Too bad about missing the Moon shots. I missed them too. Well, maybe next time. Take care.
